Full member profiles of the OSC Amsterdam
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Other members of the OSC Amsterdam
- Adela Isvoranu; Department of Psychology; Psychological Methods (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Ana Pinho; Department of Psychology, Developmental Psychology (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Angelika Stefan; Department of Psychology, Psychological Methods (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Anna Gerlicher; Department of Psychology, Clinical Psychology (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Barbara Braams; Clinical- Neuro and Developmental Psychology (VU, Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences)
- Barbara Nevicka; Psychology (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Bert Bakker; Department of Communication Science (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Bruno Verschuere; Department of Psychology, Clinical Psychology (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Cameron Brick; Department of Psychology, Social Psychology (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Carmen Cuculescu; College of Child Development and Education (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Charlotte Tanis; Department of Psychology, Psychological Methods (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Chris Jungerius; Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences (UvA, Faculty of Medicine) Costa Bachas; Department of Hematology (VU, Faculty of Medicine)
- Dian van Huijstee; Department of Communication Science (VU, Faculty of Social Sciences)
- Dora Matzke; Department of Psychology, Psychological Methods (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Egenaz Kiraz; (UvA)
- Emiel van Loon; Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (IBED) (UvA, Faculty of Medicine)
- Erdem Meral; Postdoctoral Researcher (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Eric-Jan Wagenmakers; Department of Psychology, Psychological Methods (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Ewa Miedzobrodzka; Department of Communication Science (VU, Faculty of Social Sciences)
- Florian Wanders; Department of Psychology, Work and Organizational Psychology (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Frans Oort; Department of Child Development and Education, Methods and Statistics (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Haiyan Wang; Department of Psychology (VU, Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences)
- Haiyue Shan; Department of Sociology (VU, Faculty of Social Sciences)
- Henk Cremers; Department of Psychology, Clinical Psychology (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Henry Staub; Department of Psychology (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Ilse Pit; Department of Communication Science (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Iris Broedelet; Department of Linguistics (UvA, Faculty of Humanties)
- Ivar Vermeulen; Department of Communication Science (VU, Faculty of Social Sciences)
- Jacek Buczny; Experimental and Applied Psychology (VU, Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences)
- Javier Garcia Bernardo; Department of Political Science; Political Economy and Transnational Governance (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Johannes Fahrenfort; Department of Psychology, Brain and Cognition (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Jolanda Kossakowski; Department of Psychology, Psychological Methods (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Jolanda Veldhuis; Department of Communication Science (VU, Faculty of Social Sciences)
- Jolien Arendsen; Department of Communication Science (VU, Faculty of Social Sciences)
- Julia Haaf; Department of Psychology; Psychological Methods (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Kasper Welbers; Department of Communication Science (VU, Faculty of Social Sciences)
- Katalin Balint; Department of Communication Science (VU, Faculty of Social Sciences)
- Katarzyna Lasak; Department of Econometrics and Finance (UvA, Faculty of Economics & Business)
- Koen Derks; Department of Psychology, Psychological Methods (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Lea Schumacher; Department of Psychology, Developmental Psychology (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Like Fokkens; Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences (UvA, Faculty of Medicine)
- Linda Geven; Department of Psychology, Clinical Psychology (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Lukas Snoek; Department of Psychology, Brain and Cognition (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- M.A. Dressel; (UvA)
- Maartje de Klerk; Digital Services (UvA, University Library)
- Maien Sachisthal; Department of Psychology, Developmental Psychology (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Maike Dahrendorf; Department of Psychology, Psychological Methods (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Marc Galland; Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences (UvA, Faculty of Medicine)
- Margit Bach; Department of Human Movement Sciences (VU, Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences)
- Maria Zwicker; Department of Psychology, Social Psychology (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Mariken van der Velden; Department of Communication Science (VU, Faculty of Social Sciences)
- Martin Tanis; Department of Communication Sciences (VU, Faculty of Social Sciences)
- Matthias Bakker; Academic Affairs (UvA, executive staff)
- Meike Bartels; Biological Psychology (VU, Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences)
- Michiel van Elk; Department of Psychology, Social Psychology (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Mickey Steijaert; Department of Communication Sciences (VU, Faculty of Social Sciences)
- Miguel Barreda-Ángeles; Department of Communication Science (VU, Faculty of Social Sciences)
- Mirjam Walpot; Jeugdzorg I Forensische ontwikkelingspsychologie (HvA)
- Myrthe Veenman; Department of Psychology, Psychological Methods (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Natalia Rivera-Vera; Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication (UvA, Humanties)
- Nathan Evans; Department of Psychology, Psychological Methods (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Nelleke Stibbe; (HvA, Health)
- Nick Boxem; Operations (UvA, University Library)
- Olga Papadima; Department of Cultural Anthropology (VU, Faculty of Social Sciences)
- Pascal Braak; Open Access Publishing (UvA, University Library)
- Peter Kerkhof; Department of Communication Science (VU, Faculty of Social Sciences)
- Ricarda Weiland; Department of Clinical Developmental Psychology (VU, Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences)
- Sacha Epskamp; Department of Psychology, Psychological Methods (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Sanne Rumping; Eenzaamheid | Samenwerken | Interventie ontwikkeling | (Preventieve) Jeugdzorg | Pedagogische klimaat in de buurt | Sociale steun (HvA)
- Scarlett Slagter; Department of Psychology, Developmental Psychology (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Sible Andringa; Dutch department (UvA, Faculty of Humanties)
- Sophia Crüwell; Department of Psychology, Psychological Methods (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Steven Ramodt; Department of Communication Science (VU, Faculty of Social Sciences)
- Suraj Harylallsingh; Experimental and Applied Psychology (VU, Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences)
- Suzanne Hoogeveen; Department of Psychology, Social Psychology (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Suzanne Verhoog; Department of Political Science/Anthropology (VU, Faculty of Social Sciences)
- Tess Lankhuizen; Department of Communication Science (UvA, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences)
- Thomas Pronk; Department of Developmental Psychology, Technical Support Unit (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Tilo Hartmann; Department of Communication Science (VU, Faculty of Social Sciences)
- Tisa Bertlich; Department of Psychology (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Tom Vredeveld; PhD Student; Centre of Expertise Urban Vitality (HvA, Health)
- Veerle Eggens; Faculteitsbureau (VU. School of Economics & Business)
- Wido van Peursen; Eep Talstra Centre for Bible and Computer (ETCBC)(VU, Faculty of Religion and Theology)
- Wouter de Nooy; Department of Communication Science (UvA, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences)
- Wouter van Atteveldt; Department of Communication Science (VU, Faculty of Social Sciences)