Happy new year! Let’s meet up (28 Jan.)

Thank you to everyone who came to our re-launch meeting on 25 Nov. The energy in the room was brilliant, and we have some solid areas to pursue this year. It’s time to get together and make things happen!

Meeting details: 
Date: 28 Jan. (Tuesday)
Time: 11am-noon
Location: Cairnes Biz Hub, CA239d
Register for the next OSCG meeting

Here are some other events around Ireland that you might be interested in over the next month:

· 21 Jan. (Tuesday): ReproducibiliTea Galway journal club (in person): After a unanimous vote, we’ll be discussing “Nobel and novice: Author prominence affects peer review” (Huber et al., 2022). Register for ReproducibiliTea Galway.

· 23 Jan. (Thursday): One Year with the Irish Open Access Monitor – Data Quality & Text Mining. The Irish National Open Access Monitor is a NORF-funded project to develop a comprehensive view of open access activity in Ireland. This webinar will be a presentation by IReL/OpenAIRE on on data quality practices in the Monitor, recent updates, and the role of AI and text mining in enhancing Monitor insights. Register for the Irish Open Access Monitor webinar.

· 5 Feb. (Wednesday): Open Access Policy Framework: Driving Accessibility in Humanities Research – presentation by the SCOIR (Secondary rights, Copyright, Open access, Institutional policies, and Rights retention) team focusing on its institutional Open Access Policy Framework and its implications for humanities scholarship. SCOIR is a NORF-funded project to unharness the power of open research. This session will explore the framework’s principles, goals, and strategies to enhance the accessibility and dissemination of research outputs in the field of humanities. Whether you’re a researcher, educator, or policymaker, this event provides an opportunity to engage in critical discussions about how open access policies can shape the future of academic publishing and ensure equitable access to knowledge. Your insights and feedback will help refine the Policy framework. Register for the SCOIR webinar.

· 12 Feb. (Wednesday): The potential of research assessment reforms to support the pursuit of societal impacts – presentation by Dr. Lizzie Gadd, Head of Research Culture & Assessment at Loughborough University. Dr. Gadd chairs the International Network Of Research Management Societies (INORMS) Research Evaluation Group and is a Vice Chair of the Coalition on Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA). Dr. Gadd’s presentation will explore some of the issues raised in Prof. Dónal Leech’s presentation at the Open Research Forum in December. This webinar is hosted by the University of Galway Research Office. Register for the Research Impact webinar.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Jen Smith, Open Research Librarian, University of Galway.

We are back!

Open and Digital Research logo

We’re delighted to invite you to announce that OSC Galway is kicking off with a (re)launch event on 25 Nov.

Who’s invited? Everyone in the city of Galway who is interested in open research, open access, and open practice, is welcome to join!

Where is it happening? Arts Millennium Building: AMB-G065 (ground floor, Psychology extension)


10:00: Light refreshments and introductions/catch-ups

10:15: Brainstorming and planning: The IdeasLab team will be facilitating our session to help us identify what activities we’d like to do over the next year and to ignite our community spirit.

11:00: Comfort break

11:10: Discussion and wrap-up: Where will we go from here?

Please register here if you’re able to attend our event in person.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Jen Smith, Open Research Librarian.

How to build an open research community: Inter-institutional perspectives

The recording of the following session, part of the ‘Open Research Conversations‘ seminar series at the University of Sheffield (organised by the University Library, Scholarly Communications Team), held on 29 November 2023 is available to view: https://doi.org/10.15131/shef.data.24658950.v1

The abstract of this Open Conversation is:

While centrally-led and policy-driven initiatives can be effective in supporting uptake of open research practices, the development of peer-led communities is nevertheless crucial in establishing an inclusive, sustainable and meaningful open research culture. But how do we best support the development of grass-roots open research communities? In this session, researchers and research-related colleagues from a range of institutions share their experiences of the key considerations and strategies that inform open research community-building.

From the University of Sheffield, Neil Shephard will discuss the Open Scholarship Community Sheffield, a new initiative which is part of the International Network of Open Science and Scholarship Communities (INOSC) and aims to create space for peer-to-peer support outside of the formal structure of top-down policies. Lutfi Bin Othman and Kim Clugston will explore the Data Champions Scheme and other initiatives from the University of Cambridge, and Hardy Schwamm will discuss community-building strategies and activities at the University of Galway.

Open Access in Sweden moving beyond transformative agreements

In our latest Open Voices blog post we talked to to Wilhelm Widmark, Library Director at Stockholm University Library, about the Open Access strategy of Swedish universities and research institutes who are organised in the Bibsam Consortium.

Wilhelm and his colleagues in Sweden have been thinking hard about how to move beyond transformative agreements, which might involve walking away from some deals! Read the full interview with Wilhelm here: https://hardimanlibrary.blogspot.com/2023/09/wilhelmwidmark.html

New blog post on Open Science training from OSCG member Rory Coyne

In this Open Voices blog post we are talking to Rory Coyne about Open Science training! Rory is a PhD student in Health Psychology at the University of Galway. He completed the Bachelor of Arts in Psychology at University of Galway in 2020, and the Master of Science in Health Psychology at University of Galway in 2021. His research interests are in the areas of digital health, psychophysiology, and human-machine interaction. Rory is also actively involved in the promotion of Open Science practices in research, and is a committee member on the European Health Psychology Society’s Open Science Special Interest Group.

You can read the interview with Rory on the Hardiblog of the University of Galway Library: https://hardimanlibrary.blogspot.com/2023/09/rory-coyne.html

Open Scholarship Café: Open Access Publishing – everything you need to know on 27th Sept 2023

On 27 September 2023 we will have another Open Scholarship Café! This time we will return to a core Open practice: Open Access publishing!

Open Access is an academic publishing model which makes research freely available to read, avoiding subscriptions or paywalls. Open Access comes in many flavours and this session will focus on the Library’s recent Open Access agreements (also called transformative agreements) with a number of publishers that allow you as the author to publish Open Access without cost to you.

No previous knowledge or publishing experience is needed for this session! The University of Galway Open Scholarship Librarian Hardy Schwamm will introduce the rationale and process of these Open Access agreements, and the context in which these agreements have been developed. We will also look briefly at Green Open Access and how you can publish your research using our institutional repository ARAN.

Find out more and register at https://universityofgalway.libcal.com/calendar/workshopsevents/oaintroduction

Open Scholarship Community Galway moving to new website

The Open Scholarship Community Galway (OSCG) website has moved under the umbrella of the INOSC family. Please bookmark our new site: https://osc-international.com/osc-galway/

This will make our website more sustainable and link us with our Open Scholarship and Open Science friends across the globe. Thanks to INOSC for making that happen!

Our members need to re-register at https://osc-international.com/osc-galway-register/, fill in the form and later add an image to your profile. New members are of course welcome!

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