On January 26th, the first OSCAwards took place at SPUI25. We awarded eight Open Science projects and initiatives from our four institutions for their efforts. We were particularly impressed by the interdisciplinarity and the high quality of the submissions. The evening program included short pitches of the winning projects. Besides that, we speakers Lisa Yu from the UvA Data Science Center, Maaike de Jong from the Netherlands eScience center, and Eva Baaren and Thijs van Schijndel, editors of openresearch.amsteram, to discuss the integration and role of Open Science in in research collaborations, advanced research software, and the field of data science.
An overview of all the submitted projects is available here: https://osf.io/npmdj
Or watch the full event of the OSCAwards online: https://spui25.nl/programma/science-for-all-the-2023-oscawards