Open Scholarship Community Sheffield News
- ReproducibiliTea Sheffield Journal ClubThe chosen article that we will review and discuss is… The emergence of large-scale replication projects yielding successful rates substantially lower than expected caused the behavioural, cognitive, and social sciences to experience a so-called ‘replication crisis’. In this Perspective, we reframe this ‘crisis’ through the lens of a credibility revolution, focusing on positive structural, procedural …
- OpenFest2024Co-delivered by the University of Sheffield and Sheffield Hallam University, OpenFest is our flagship celebration and exploration of open research, providing an opportunity to explore current issues, share experiences, and consider how open research can be applied in your discipline. Full details and links to registration available here Open Research @ Sheffield Day 1 – …
- Changing Research Culture9th July 2024, 10am-3pm Workroom 2, the Wave, University of Sheffield In person, with online attendance available for keynote talks only In anticipation of REF2029’s heightened emphasis on People, Culture and Environment, ‘research culture’ is increasingly coming into scope as a focus of attention for UK institutions. But critical and reflective work is needed to …
- Open Research Working Group Drop-In SessionsMembers of the Open Research Working Group will be hosting monthly open research drop-in sessions, on the last Thursday of each month, between 12:15-13:00. These will be hybrid – someone will be around to speak to in person but you can also use the Google Meet links below to speak to someone over the tinterweb. These drop-in sessions …
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- Open Research Conversations – Spring 2024The University of Sheffield is pleased to announce its Spring 2024 schedule for its popular Open Research Conversations. These are free, online and open to all. Each focuses on a specific aspect of open research and features talks from 2-3 speakers followed by questions and discussion. For full details please visit Open Research Conversations – Spring …
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- Annual open research lecture – December 2023Annual open research lecture – December 2023 Open research – the set of practices that enable us to increase our work’s reach and impact by opening up research outputs and methodologies to a wider audience – is quickly gaining momentum in the Higher Education landscape. Our Annual Open Research Lecture, introduced in 2022, offers an opportunity …
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- ‘How to Share…’ seminar series‘How to Share…’ seminar series Our How to Share.. series contains short, bitesize seminars that look at how best to share different research data types to help you make your research outputs more FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) and open. Informed by success stories across the University, researchers will help share their knowledge and experience of the …
- Unleash your data and software: bid for an award of up to £5000Research students and staff at the University of Sheffield can now apply for an award of up to £5000 for a project to make their research data or software more visible and reusable. The funding competition is open to all researchers at the University of Sheffield, including postgraduate research students and those in research-related roles. We strongly encourage …
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- Editorial mass resignations: Collective action in the movement to open researchWednesday 10th January 2024, 12-1pm Recent times have witnessed a number of high profile mass resignations of journal editorial boards, with editors rejecting the conditions of (in)accessibility and commercial profit underlying their existing publishers. In this Open Research Conversation, we hear from key participants in this growing mode of collective action. Johan Rooryck, now of …
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- Open Research Conversations x Lunchbytes session: Making research software more visible and reusable: Open Source Software and FAIR4RSWednesday 6th December 2023, 12-1pm Taking place as part of both the Open Research Conversations seminar series and the University of Sheffield Research Software Engineering team’s Lunchbytes series, this session explores the FAIR4RS principles, which seek to make research software more visible and accessible to, and reusable by, potential future users. In this conversation, experts …
- How to build an open research community: Inter-institutional perspectivesWednesday 29th November 2023, 12-1pm While centrally-led and policy-driven initiatives can be effective in supporting uptake of open research practices, the development of peer-led communities is nevertheless crucial in establishing an inclusive, sustainable and meaningful open research culture. But how do we best support the development of grass-roots open research communities? In this session, researchers …
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- Scholars are doing it for themselves: The challenges and opportunities of open access scholar-led publishingMonday 23 October 2023, 12-1pm Scholar-led publishing – publishing which is managed and led by academics rather than commercial publishers or other institutions or bodies – provides an opportunity for researchers to determine the conditions under which academic work is circulated. Consequently, it can present a range of opportunities for the open, equitable, diverse and …
- International Open Access Week (23rd-29th October 2023)A number of events are being held during the week of International Open Access Week which this year is themed around Community over Commercialisation. For full details see the schedule.
- OpenFest2023OpenFest is the University of Sheffield’s flagship celebration and exploration of open research, providing an opportunity to explore current issues, share experiences, and consider how open research can be applied in your discipline. Register for our OpenFest events using the links below. Workshop on GitHub for academic collaboration Monday 4th September, 10.00-12.00, in person Led by …
- FAIR Faculty WorkshopsThe University of Sheffield Library will be holding a series of Faculty specific seminars looking at the FAIR principles which aim to make data (and other outputs) Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. These seminars will introduce the benefits of applying these principles (i.e. enhanced impact, increased collaboration, greater credit for all research outputs, speedier progress) …
- Teaching Reproducible Research and Open Science ConferenceTeaching Reproducible Research and Open Science Conference Organisers: University of Sheffield (Sheffield Methods Institute, Open Research Working Group and University Library) and Project TIER. Reproducibility has gained significant attention in research, and many disciplines have now adopted policies recognizing the value of open scholarship. However, it has not yet assumed a central place in the …
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