
About OSC Egypt
The Open Science Community Initiative in Egypt is a project that aims to promote open science in Egypt and has a number of goals, including:
- Raising awareness of open science in Egypt and its main concepts ( as you can carry out your research in a more transparent and collaborative way) by creating a supportive network of like-minded individuals who are passionate about open science
- Providing training and resources on open science
- Promoting the use of open science in research and education
- Elevate the profile of researchers and cultivate a thriving Open Science community. to Enhance the visibility of their work and promote greater efficiency in their research efforts.
- The Open Science Community Initiative in Egypt is a significant step forward in line with Egypt’s Vision 2030. The initiative can potentially make a real difference in how science is conducted and communicated in Egypt.
Our vision is to collaborate with allies in Egypt to elevate the profile of researchers and cultivate a thriving Open Science community.
Enhance the visibility of the researcher’s work and promote greater efficiency in their research efforts.
Code of Conduct
This Code of Conduct (CoC) aims to enable an environment in which diverse individuals can collaborate and interact with mutual respect. We recognize a shared responsibility to create and maintain that environment for the benefit of all. Our Code of Conduct Click here
عن مبادرة مجتمع العلوم المفتوحة في مصر
مبادرة مجتمع العلوم المفتوحة في مصر هي جزء من الشبكة الدولية لمجتمعات العلوم والمنح الدراسية المفتوحة، تهدف إلى رفع مستوى الوعي بالعلوم المفتوحة في مصر ومفاهيمه الرئيسية (حيث يستطيع الباحث إجراء بحثه بطريقة أكثر شفافية وتعاونية) من خلال إنشاء شبكة داعمة من الأفراد ذوي التفكير المماثل والمتحمسين للعلم المفتوح