Category: OSC Sheffield Teaching Reproducible Research and Open Science Conference

Teaching Reproducible Research and Open Science Conference

June 20, 2023 June 22, 2023

Organisers: University of Sheffield (Sheffield Methods Institute, Open Research Working Group and University Library) and Project TIER.

Reproducibility has gained significant attention in research, and many disciplines have now adopted policies recognizing the value of open scholarship. However, it has not yet assumed a central place in the teaching of research methods. We would like to invite academics to discuss the benefits of teaching reproducible research and open science at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

This three day event consists of a one-day symposium with conference style presentations, a workshop on teaching transparent methods of empirical research, and individual or small group in-person consultations with Project TIER Directors.

The event is free to attend upon registration, details for each day are outlined below along with how to book. 

If you have any questions regarding the conference please contact

The Wave, The University of Sheffield
2 Whitham Road
Sheffield, S10 2AH

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