Category: OSC Galway Supporting the transformation of academic publishing: The library Open Scholarship Fund (open to all)

Supporting the transformation of academic publishing: The library Open Scholarship Fund (open to all)

October 27, 2023

Much of the conversation around the transition to Open Access publishing has centred on large 'read-and-publish' deals signed with major academic publishers. As they look to incorporate existing library subscription spend, they have also had a significant effect on academic library budgets. However, their role in bringing about a true transformation in publishing has been pragmatic, limited and much criticised. The Open Scholarship Fund is the Library's attempt to go beyond this and is used to support innovative, community-owned and scholar-led publishing initiatives alongside local projects aimed at opening up research and educational practice.

This talk will explain where the Open Scholarship Fund is being spent, including examples of how it is being used to support the development of Open Educational Resources at the University and the digitisation of our Archival and Special Collections for open access.

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