Category: OSC Sheffield Open Research Conversations : Opening up practice-based research

Open Research Conversations : Opening up practice-based research

December 4, 2024

Practice-based research - including in many arts, humanities and social sciences areas such as sociology, music, theatre and dance - focuses as much on the processes by which outputs are created as on the research outputs themselves. These outputs, moreover, are diverse and occupy a range of media and forms.

However, practice-based research processes and outputs have historically been viewed as less easy to capture and make openly available than those issuing from more quantitative, STEM-focused fields, in part due to the limitations of existing repository infrastructure.

In this Conversation, we hear from researchers and professionals working to address this imbalance, including the SPARKLE ('Sustaining Practice Assets for Research, Knowledge, Learning and Engagement') and PRVoices projects. Speakers include Scott McGlaughlin (School of Music, University of Leeds) and Gregory Sporton (Design, Creative and Digital Industries, University of Westminster).

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