Parkstad – Who We Are

Open Science Community Parkstad

Who We Are

We are the Open Science Community Parkstad (OSCP), a collaborative hub promoting open science practices in the Parkstad region. By uniting individuals from various institutions and citizens connected to our region, we cultivate a community rooted in the values of integrity, diversity, and openness.  We aim to develop a supportive environment enabling members to translate motivation into action and democratise research. 

We stand for transparent scientific exploration, dedicated to shaping a better future for the Parkstad region and beyond. 

Our mission is to:

  • Encouraging knowledge sharing among researchers, institutions, and the public.
  • Building a diverse network of stakeholders, including community organizations, governmental bodies, and regional businesses.
  • Promoting positive change in behaviors influencing open science adoption.
  • Upholding values of integrity, diversity, and openness to create a supportive atmosphere.

We welcome everyone, regardless of their role in research, to join us in advancing open science initiatives and contributing to a vibrant and inclusive community. Our success is defined by reaching a broad audience, celebrated internally through event participation and trust, and externally reflected in increased open science practices in the Parkstad region.

Our Logo

Our logo is more than just a visual symbol; it encapsulates the identity, history, and aspirations of the Open Science Community Parkstad (OSCP) and the region we represent.

Symbolism and Meaning

  • Blue: The dominant blue hue aligns with the official color of the global Open Science Community, symbolizing collaboration, innovation, and our connection to the broader Open Science movement. It reflects our commitment to fostering partnerships and sharing knowledge openly.
  • Green: The vibrant green represents Parkstad’s transformation from its historical roots in coal mining to a future embracing nature and sustainability. It signifies the region’s lush landscapes, hiking trails, and cycling routes, highlighting our dedication to environmental stewardship and healthy living.
  • Gold: The warm gold color embodies the region’s flourishing tourism economy and sustainable development. It reflects prosperity, optimism, and the value we place on nurturing a thriving community that benefits all stakeholders.

Connecting Our Mission with Our Logo

Our logo visually communicates our core values and mission:

  • Integration of Colors: The harmonious blend of blue, green, and gold signifies the unity between the Open Science movement and the unique identity of Parkstad. It illustrates our role in bridging global scientific collaboration with local community engagement.
  • Embracing Change and Progress: The transition from dark tones to brighter ones in the logo symbolizes Parkstad’s journey from its industrial past to a future of innovation and openness. It mirrors our commitment to driving positive change and fostering a culture of transparency in research.
  • Inclusivity and Diversity: The diverse color palette reflects our dedication to inclusivity and the celebration of different perspectives within our community. It underscores our belief that diversity enriches scientific inquiry and societal advancement.
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