We are back!

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We’re delighted to invite you to announce that OSC Galway is kicking off with a (re)launch event on 25 Nov.

Who’s invited? Everyone in the city of Galway who is interested in open research, open access, and open practice, is welcome to join!

Where is it happening? Arts Millennium Building: AMB-G065 (ground floor, Psychology extension)


10:00: Light refreshments and introductions/catch-ups

10:15: Brainstorming and planning: The IdeasLab team will be facilitating our session to help us identify what activities we’d like to do over the next year and to ignite our community spirit.

11:00: Comfort break

11:10: Discussion and wrap-up: Where will we go from here?

Please register here if you’re able to attend our event in person.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Jen Smith, Open Research Librarian.

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