Open Scholarship Community Sheffield
You can find resources to information about Open Research at The University of Sheffield and beyond below.
University of Sheffield
- University of Sheffield Open research Webpages
- Open research training portal
- Open Research Working Group
- Open Research Community Groups
- Events, past, present and future
- Open Research Case Studies
- Statement on open research
- Statement from Research Practice Lead
- Making Research FAIR – guidance for researchers.
- The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship
- How to be FAIR with your data a teaching and training handbook for higher education institution
- The FAIR Cookbook
- The Open Data Institute
- Open Data Science Initiative
- Research data management toolkit | Jisc
- FAIR Sharing
- Open Data Toolkit – F1000 Research
- FAIR Principles for Research Software
- ORION Open Science Podcast
- Road to Open Science
- Code for Thought
- Open Update
- Unsettling Knowledge Inequities
- FAIR Data Podcast
Learning Resources
There are a lot of excellent resources for improving your digital literacy. The Carpentries have several different streams for Data, Library and Software.
- Data Carpentry
- Library Carpentry
- Library Carpentry
- Software Carpentry
- Programming Historian
- The Turing Way
- British Ecological Society Guides to Better Science