23 – 27 SEPTEMBER 2024
To celebrate and recognize the crucial role of Open Science in the advancement of science, the Network of Open Science Communities in the Netherlands (OSC-NL) organises its first OSC-NL National Open Science Week from 23 to 27 September 2024.
Although Open Science contributes to more transparent and inclusive research, its practical implementation is often challenging.
This Open Science Week aims to address these challenges by raising awareness of the various support services and structures that exist, such as local and thematic Digital Competency Centers, Open Science Programmes, Open Science Communities (OSCs) etc. Designed to facilitate the application of Open Science principles, these resources provide researchers and research supporters with the tools and funding necessary to adopt more open and collaborative research practices.

Open Science Week activities at Leiden University
By highlighting the support available, we encourage more researchers to engage in Open Science practices, ultimately fostering a more transparent, inclusive and efficient way of doing research.
Local Open Science Week Events can be found on the webpages of the participating Open Science Communities:
For a recap of the first Open Science Week you can read this blog.